New York

Stuart Little by E.B. White

Elwyn Brooks White was born on July 11, 1899 in Mount Vernon, New York. He first conceived of the idea of Stuart Little from a dream he had during a return train trip to New York City, where he had been living, and the plot of the story takes place in the city. 

For the Literary Traveler: If you are interested in knowing more about E.B. White’s residence in Manhattan (specifically Turtle Bay), check out this blog.

Wolf Story by William McCleery

William McCleery was a Broadway playwright and author and set this wonderful story in New York City. In the story, a story-telling father takes his son on excursions to Fort Tryon Park and Jones Beach State Park, and other NY spots are commented on such as Central Park and certain roads, bridges and even LaGuardia Airport. A New Yorker will feel right at home with this one!

Illustrated by Warren Chappell

A Cricket in Times Square by George Selden

Well I think it’s obvious from the title where this story takes place! 

Illustrated by Garth Williams

Another one that I think is obvious from the title where this story takes place! Dodsworth actually travels to several places in these early reader chapter books, but New York was first!

Illustrated by the author.

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