The illustrators
As a kid my parents read Just So Stories to me, and for the rest of my life those wonderful pen and ink drawings by Rudyard Kipling have held a nostalgic place in my memory. I am sure that many readers feel the same, as Kipling’s drawings are so…well…Kipling! However, getting past that, you will find that there is a cornucopia of illustrated versions out there to explore.
Here are my favorites.
Robert Ingpen
Lavishly illustrated, with nary an unadorned page, this version by Robert Ingpen has done a remarkable job reinventing Kipling’s tales while staying true to the familiar detail of Kipling’s drawings. I love, love, love that he included the chariot wheel in one of the illustrations accompanying How the Rhinoceros got his Skin, and how at the end of the book he included two of Kipling’s most famous drawings.
If you are interested in exploring more books by Robert Ingpen, click here!
Published in the UK in 2013 by Palazzo Editions LTD
Where to Buy:
Helen Ward
This lovely, petite hardcover, illustrated in Helen Ward’s delicate, yet full-bodied style, was an unexpected and wonderful surprise! I had not expected it to have as many illustrations as it does. With the exception of How the Rhinoceros got his Skin and The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo, every other tale is adorned with at least two full page illustrations!
Published in the UK in 2001 by Templar Publishing
Where to Buy:
This is an older version, but it is just so colorful and whimsically decorated that I actually chose this version to read to my then 5-year old son. Lavishly illustrated with no single turn of the page to be found unadorned, this is my top choice if reading to younger kids.
Illustrator Copyright 1952 by Artists and Writers Guild, INC
Where to Buy:
Chris Riddell
If you are looking for a version that has new and colorful imagery without sacrificing the original Kipling illustrations, than look no further than this edition illustrated by the great Chris Riddell. (I just about fell over when I discovered he did a version of Just So Stories!). Riddell’s evocative images naturally accentuate Kipling’s classic illustrations.
Published in 2013 by Egmont UK LTD
Where to Buy:
∞ Just So Stories Illustrated by Chris Riddell from Abebooks
Isabelle Brent
English illustrator Isabelle Brent’s version of these remarkable tales are extraordinary! Each full page illustration is surrounded by colorful mosaics and the pages shimmer with touches of gold, creating images that are vibrant and upon closer inspection reveal much more than seen at first glance; I think there is even an image of Kipling himself in one of the images from The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo!
Every story is accompanied by two full page illustrations. A new version was published in 2020 and includes only the twelve usual tales; the older version from 1993 includes two additional stories: The Tabu Tale and Ham and the Porcupine. Both versions feature an illuminating introduction by Neil Philip.
First published 1993 by Viking, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc, newly published in 2020 by Armadillo Publishing.
Where to Buy:
∞ Just So Stories (older version) Illustrated by Isabelle Brent from Abebooks
∞ Just So Stories (New version) Illustrated by Isabelle Brent from AMAZON
David Frampton
New Englander David Frampton’s version of Just So Stories blows me away with his full-color, lavishly detailed woodcuts. Every story is accompanied by one full-page illustration, and further ornamented with terrific little woodcut clips placed here and there. This version just makes me….happy.
Published 1991 by HarperCollins Children’s Books, a division of HarperCollins Publishers, NYC
Where to Buy:
∞ Just So Stories Illustrated by David Frampton from Abebooks
Safaya Salter
This version by Safaya Salter, reflects her Middle Eastern background with it’s lavishly detailed, bold jewel-toned images. Each story has a full page illustration, with How the Leopard Got His Spots featuring a spread. I love how she adorned How the First Letter was Written with petroglyphs instead of humans – very clever!
Published 1987 in the USA by Henry Holt and Company, Inc
Where to Buy:
∞ Just So Stories Illustrated by Safaya Salter from Abebooks
Ian Wallace
Canadian artist Ian Wallace captures the playful humor of these stories with his luminous watercolor, pencil crayon, pastel pencil and chalk illustrations. Divided into two volumes, the first volume covers the first six stories, from How the Whale Got His Throat to The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo and the second volume covers the remaining six from The Beginning of the Armadillos to The Butterfly that Stamped. Lavishly illustrated, each story is accompanied by at least three full page illustrations.
Volume 1 Published in Canada and the USA 2013 by Groundwood Books. Volume 2 Published in kind in 2014
Where to Buy:
∞ Just So Stories (Volume I) Illustrated by Ian Wallace from Abebooks
Just So Stories (Volume II) Illustrated by Ian Wallace from Abebooks
by the Author
This was the version that was read to me as a child and, although black and white, somewhat crowded and perplexing, (although happily Kipling provides an explanation for each image), Kipling’s illustrations are fascinating and stuck with me throughout the years. The famous image from The Elephant’s Child is timeless, but my favorite was always from How the Rhinoceros Got It’s Skin, with one of the Pharaoh’s chariot wheels that fell off when the Egyptians tried to cross the Red Sea – that little tidbit just fascinated my imagination as a child!
There are many, many covers out there to choose from; here are several for your perusal! Also included: my all time favorite paperback cover!
First Published in 1902 by Macmillan.
Where to Buy:
∞ Just So Stories Illustrated by Rudyard Kipling from AMAZON
Other Just So Story Illustrators
Look for these on Etsy, Ebay, Alibris Books, Abebooks, or find them on internet archives or from your local library!
Abridged, Graphic Novel and Foreign Versions
Although I am a huge supporter of unabridged versions, with so many gorgeous adapted and graphic novel versions out there I feel I must mention at least one of each!
Additionally, there are some Delightful versions of Just So Stories out there in other languages and countries to explore! I have found a version illustrated by South African illustrator Alex Latimer who I just have to mention because not only do I love his work, but I also grew up in South Africa so I am thrilled to show off his work to the world – plus, Kipling adored South Africa and visited quite often.
This version includes 8 of the 12 Just So Stories and is carefully illustrated by a team of well-chosen illustrators. Peter Sis (The Whipping Boy), illustrates How the Whale Got His Throat, Christopher Corr (The Great Race) illustrates How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin, Cathie Felstead (An Island Grows) illustrates How the Leopard got his Spots, Jeff Fisher illustrates The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo, Satoshi Kitamura (Me and my Cat?) illustrates The Cat That Walked by Himself, Clare Melinsky illustrates How the Camel Got His Hump, Jane Ray (Hummingbird) illustrates The Beginning of the Armadillos, and Louise Voce illustrates The Elephant’s Child.
Published in 2004 by Candlewick Press
Where to Buy:
∞ A Collection of Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories Illustrated by Various Artists from AMAZON
Retold by Elli Woollard
Published in 2017 by MacMillan Children’s Books
I love this adorable version!
Where to Buy:
∞ Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories Illustrated by Maria Altes from AMAZON
Illustrated by Pedro Rodriquez, Just So Comics Tales of the World’s Wildest Beasts is one of 8 Graphic Spin novels.
Retold by Sean Tulien
Published in 2014 by Stone Arch Books
Where to Buy:
∞ Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Comics Illustrated by Pedro Rodriguez from AMAZON
Kipling visited South Africa throughout his adulthood; I spent much of my childhood and periods here and there through adulthood in South Africa, so I thought it fitting to list this version, illustrated by South African artist Alex Latimer who lends a wonderfully unique touch that I think works quite well with the tempo and humor of these tales.
Buy it Used on Abebooks
Did you know that Rudyard Kipling lived in Vermont for three years? Join me in the video below for a tour of Kipling's Vermont home and stick around to the end for glimpses into my two favorite Just So Stories!
For the Collector
The Folio Society (2012) Illustrated by Niroot (Natee) Puttapipat
Niroot (prefers to go by Natee) Puttapipat – The Folio Society’s beautiful edition published in 2012. It is gorgeous and I desperately wish I knew about Folio Society’s gorgeous books in time to buy this! I’ve added two examples of the artists’ beautiful illustrations below. It is only available now on the secondary market and is quite expensive. Look for it on Abebooks.